Here are over 50 Ads you can use to drive traffic to your Capture Page. Some are very short,
some are longer. This allows you to pick short ones where there is a size limitation, or longer
ones, e.g. to use in emails. Please feel free to modify these ads in any way you desire -- they
are provided to use as is, or to be changed.
We suggest you use the format at the bottom of each email -- put in your URL (= Capture Page
website name) first and then skip a couple spaces and put your name at the bottom of the email.
You can use either your first name or your whole name. Be sure to check the email address
you select on a regular basis, so you can answer any emails sent to that address.
1. A Quick Way to Make Easy Money Online
Automated system designed especially for beginners
-- teaches you a paint-by-number system that builds
a list for you, and makes you money.
See for yourself - Free Information.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
2. Easiest Plug-N-Go Money Making System Ever
Discover Exactly How To Make Money On The Internet
With A Simple Little Website That Sucks In Money Like Crazy!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
3. The Easiest Way to Generate Cash Online
(in fact it's about as easy as anything could possibly be)
See for Yourself - Free Information:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
4. How do average people like you and me make $ online?
Find out about our automated system designed especially
for beginners puts cash directly into your account.
See for yourself - Free Information:
Click Here:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
5. What people who make $ online know that you don't know!
They know how to write great ads, and they know the secrets to
Marketing success.
They know how to give away valuable stuff.
We teach you how to do this yourself, even if you are a computer
Click the link below and find out for yourself:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
6. Who else wants to attract hundreds of cash paying clients to your website and
generate mega-profits?
If you raised your hand and said, Me.
Click the link below and find out what the successful online marketers do:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
7. Don't Risk Disappointment! Get Your FREE Information Today!
The choice is up to you: You can continue to search high
and low for the right opportunity...or you can take a few
minutes right now to investigate.
It costs you nothing to prove this to yourself!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
8. Why You Can't Make A Dime Online
What does an intelligent and determined Internet Marketer,
(newbie or otherwise) do when their online sales are flat
as a pancake and they have no idea how to turn it around?
Find something that works.
Get Information about our Unique Online System,
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
9. Recession Beater #7: The Coming Business Opportunity Explosion
Break out of the salary-rut for good...
Open doors to thousands of extra dollars of income every year, without risking
your present job...and perhaps even start a little self-perpetuating business of
your own.
FACT: Almost everyone is interested in making more money.
If you can legitimately show others how to make more money,
you'll never want for money yourself.
This is especially so in recessionary times.
Get your startling FREE report on how an Ingenious Spare-Time Business
that requires almost no investment, can net you a chunk of EXTRA
Don't wait - get your FREE Information below:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
10. Now! Turn Your Computer Into A Money Magnet
Yes! Here is your chance to literally MAGNETIZE THE
I know of course that it is almost impossible for you to believe,
at this moment that you can turn your computer into a Money
Magnet - but you can. All by following our paint-by-number system.
Think what it could mean to want to suddenly - overnight - develop
the ability to DEMAND WHAT YOU from the Internet (which
is to make extra income from home) AND HAVE EXACTLY
Make no mistake about it - this secret technique WORKS! People
the world over have used this simple formula to suck more income
out of the Internet than they ever have before.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
11. Our paint-by-number System Could STOP Your Financial Worries Forever.
Our system could teach you - for the first time in your existence - how to be
outrageously successful online. Now. Not tomorrow. But now.
It shows you how to pull bags of cash off the web using a system others
have successfully used. Those who have used this system previously have
been experts on the computer. They keep their secrets to themselves.
What we do is to teach you their system step-by-step, whether you are a computer
newbie or an experienced marketer, by using a simple paint-by-number program.
Put your name and email in the form to start getting information on our
Unique System.
But only do so, if you want to Desperately Change Your Financial Future:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
12. Making Money From Home Has Never Been Easier
Newbie's Make money from home.
Our System is Automated, Easy, Fast.
Let us teach you how to become financially secure with
our Online Marketing Program.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
13. Rapid Income System for Newbie's and Experienced Marketers Both.
Don't Pay A Dime For Any Ebook, Marketing Course, Software Program
Or Anything Else Until You've Looked at our System.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
14. Recession-Proof Automated Online Income.
Grab Your FREE Professionally Designed Fully Automated Profit-Pulling
Website and Start Harnessing The Web's Most Lucrative Opportunity.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
15. Free Information Shows You How to Earn $$$$ Online
Grab This Information Now (I mean NOW)...
This Hard-Hitting FREE INFORMATION shows you how to make real money from
home with just a computer and Internet connection...
It even includes a ready-made business built in for you!
you can have access to an amazing "Income System" that makes you
$$$$ over and over again...
Get it Here Now:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
16. Proven Internet Business System for Beginners
Are you looking for a real legitimate Internet business opportunity?
Internet Marketing Has Changed...
Success is going to require New Thinking, New Action and New Rules.
Let me take you by the hand and show you how to make real money
online today.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
Give away valuable Free Information that nearly everyone on the
planet trying to make money from home, wants.
Get this information now -- it teaches you by a paint-by-number
that even the person who is brand new to the computer and marketing
online, can follow.
Don't Wait to Make Money from home and be your OWN BOSS
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
18. I Was Getting Nowhere Fast
Sound familiar??
I spent thousands of dollars on affiliate programs and ads that
didn't work until I found this paint-by-number system.
Don't lose hope. It can work.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
19. Amazing 3 Step Money-Making Formula
You've heard about it over and over and over again.
Isn't it time you found out what all the commotion is about?
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
20. Will This Ever Work For Me?
You've joined many programs and tried lots of traffic, but you
haven't made any money yet.
There is a much better way.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
21. Do you think it's all just a big scam?
I did too until I discovered the "secret" formula to pulling in huge
money with a turn-key program.
This system really works.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
22. Not making any money online?
Stop trying to make money online with programs that
don't work. This really does work!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
23. Could you spare some time each day to make $$$ Online?
I have the secret to working at home and making TONS of CASH --
our paint-by-number system.
Click Below to Find Out How to make $$$ online!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
24. Stop Wishing and Start Cashing In...
We teach and train you everything you need to know to succeed!
Get information on our paint-by-number system NOW!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
25. Who Wants To Make $$$ from home?
Make money by following our paint-by-number system NOW! ...
Or Get Lost In The Crowd Of Non Achievers Crossing Their Fingers And Praying
For A Miracle.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
26. Would you like to earn $$$ From Home?
If you can follow the directions we give you in our paint-by-number
system, then you can easily earn extra $$$ every week.
Don't let this opportunity slip by. Don't save this ad, thinking you'll
come back to it. Go ahead, make the best decision you can make for yourself.
Take a few minutes right now and visit my website put in your name and email.
so you start getting information on our paint-by-number system, and start
earning extra $$$$ on a weekly basis.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
27. Our paint-by-number system Could Make You Rich!
We have already shown thousands of men and women how to "bootstrap"
themselves into their own spare-time business...pull in extra money,
and all without risking their present jobs!
And we show you how to do this!
Here's How:
If you ever wanted to be your own boss, or make additional income
in your spare time...then getting your hands on our paint-by-number
system can be the most well as the most exciting
online opportunity you'll come across this year.
Act Now!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
28. Learn a Hassle-Free Way to Make Money Online!
Would you like to earn up to $$$ each week?
Seriously. People are desperately searching for the information
we give away for FREE.
If you can follow directions with our paint-by-number system,
you can make money online.
Click here for info:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
29. Great Money Maker!
You can learn right now, a paint-by-number online system for
making money from home.
See for yourself and take this important first step!
Discover the Secret:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
30 Making Money Online Takes Talent and We've Got It!
It's no secret that 90% of people trying to make money online
are failing miserably and you're probably one of them.
If you are seriously interested in making money online and want to
cross that threshold and be part of the 10%, you can learn a
hassle free way to make money by filling in your name and email
on this website:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
31. Tired of Promoting Opportunities With No Luck?
Are you still promoting a poorly converting affiliate program?
There are only and handful of opportunities that are still producing
consistent results month after month.
Here's a proven winner with the support you need to succeed:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
32. This may be one of the most genuinely effective and legitimate
opportunities to ever hit the Internet!
Imagine the very real possibility of getting payments into
your Bank Account weekly..
Learn This Hassle-Free Way to Make Money Online with our paint-
by-number system.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
33. (9 out of 10 Newbies Agree): Our System is So Effective, Now YOU Can Make
Money Online!
There are only and handful of opportunities that are still producing
consistent results month after month.
Here's a proven winner with the support you need to succeed:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
34. Here's a Way to Make Money Online That Doesn't Suck
Do you think you would be able to follow some simple directions.
with our paint-by-number system?
Well, if you do what I'm doing, you could get money put into
your bank account every week!
Get free information on how to do just that.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
35. The Most Effective Money Making System In Existence
Here is the most effective money making system in existence, if
you are sick of the daily grind, the boring job, those early
morning starts, the lack of cash to spend on luxuries, (or just
the basics), the constant worry of bills...the list goes on.
There is a way. In fact you'll love what I'm going to show you.
I've found a system that can take you away from all that which
offers you unlimited earning potential.
I promise you'll not be disappointed, you'll be shown in a fully
illustrated step-by-step format how to make a steady stream of
dependable income online - I Will show you exactly how I do it
week in week out.
Click the link below for more details:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
36. A Money Making System So Powerful, It's Often Imitated -
But NEVER Duplicated
There's no place like home to start your small business.
It's a great way to test the entrepreneurial waters without
spending a fortune on overhead.
Stay home and make a bundle with this biz opportunity
you can launch for a very small investment
Click the link below to learn about a booming new business
in a hot market you can start in your spare bedroom, garage,
attic, dining room, or even your kitchen table.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
37. Make EASY CASH from Home!
I'll show you how I make thousands of dollars every month and
how you can too...just by using our Unique Online Marketing
Our system does the work for you! People that have failed at everything
else are making money using our unique system!
NO High Pressure Selling
NO Chasing Friends and Family
NO More Money Problems
See this Brand-New Innovative Way to make Easy Cash from home!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
38. Have You Seen What A Turn-Key Business Can Do For Your Income?
Ever wish you could make money with the Internet, but don't
know how?
Here's your chance to profit from a work-from-home business model
that's changing how average people make money online.
We're looking for serious men and women who want to build a residual
business that brings in money each week.
work out of your home
great compensation
no inventory
fast-growing business in a booming market
free training and marketing tools
Visit the URL below Today!
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
39. You Deserve To Make Consistent Money Online!
...consistent money for bills, food, rent and just plain
"making ends meet."
Listen, there are many secrets in this world to making
money online that only a few people ever seem learn about.
Here you are at a turning point where everything could
suddenly change in an "instant" by learning our Unique
Online Marketing System.
The moment you start getting our information you will be
astounded by the exact details of a proven, simple money
making system.
This information is not what you see elsewhere We take
you step-by-step through how to set up our unique system,
using our paint-by-number philosophy.
To get this valuable information visit:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
40. Are You One of the Losers or Winners?
We both know you want to make money online like me,
otherwise you wouldn't keep trying over and over to
make it work.
I'm sure you already know there are thousands of
"get rich quick" programs out there.
These people are not trying to help you. They have no
"secrets". It's the same information repackaged over and
over again...repackaged differently by new "experts"
every year.
The funny thing is, you're still falling for it!
That's why I give you simple instructions without all the BS.
I tell you "here is EXACTLY how to make money - step 1,
step 2, etc." and that's it.
Are you getting the point? I WILL NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.
Step One is to go to the website below and enter your name
and email address.
No risk involved. Just take action.
Go to Step One Now:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
41. Take a look at my website.
It is not unique, I am sure you have seen similar or even
better websites.
Here is what is unique. The program I am offering you
showed me how to set up and manage a professional looking
Capture Page for $18 a month. Actually it showed me how
to set up as many Capture Pages as I want, so I can test
and see which website works the best.
I have never put together my own Capture Page before -- I
am not a web designer, nor a computer expert.
Our Unique Online Marketing System is Turn-Key and works
on the principle of paint-by-number.
So, whether you are experienced online, or a computer newbie,
our system will show you step by step how to become a pro
online marketer, and make money by doing so.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
42. Our Amazing (FREE) Money Making Online System Works for Anybody!
- Learn how to make a Professional Capture page easily, even if you
have never done this before.
- Learn how to set up an AWeber Account, and populate a campaign in
it with pre-written emails.
- Learn how to build a long-lasting residual income, right from home.
- Just follow our steps one by one -- follow the bouncing ball.
Click below to get all the details:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
43. Would you like to promote your business ... AND actually get paid for it?
If so, take action by signing up here:
I promise You this, this paint-by-number online system works for even the
newest computer newbie.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
44. This business is Exploding across the net.
It's a simple program that allows you to set up a unique online business.
We show you how to:
- Set up a Professional Looking Capture Page
- Set up an AWeber Autoresponder Account, populated with pre-written messages
- How to find unlimited numbers of prospects, looking for what you have.
Hey , I am going to give you this information. All you have to do is to click
on the link below and fill in your name and email. What you do with this
valuable totally FREE, invaluable information is up to you!
To be able to decide what to do with this information, click the link below,
and fill in your name and email, so we can send it to you.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
45. Are You a "Disposable" Worker?
Pay is falling, benefits are vanishing, and no one's job is secure.
You know everyone is in bad shape when a low-paying, no benefits job is
considered a sweet deal.
Your situation isn't likely to improve anytime soon; some economists predict
it will be years, not months, before you'll regain any semblance of bargaining
power in the workplace
That's because this recession's unusual ferocity has accelerated trends, including
offshoring, automation, the decline of labor unions' influence, new management
techniques and regulatory changes that already had been eroding your economic
The forecast for the next five to 10 years: more of the same, with paltry pay
gains, worsening working conditions, and little job security.
Here's What YOU Can Do About It Right Now
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
46. There's no place like home to start your own online business.
And it's a great way to test the entrepreneurial waters without spending a fortune
on overhead, office space, etc.
So stay home and make a bundle using this Unique Online Marketing System
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
47. Don't STUMBLE Your Way to Online Profits, get a paint-by-number system!
Instead of trying to piece together a profitable online business yourself with
no experience, COPY my success and I'll do 90% of the work for you to shave
years off your learning and profit curve.
You Can Start Making Money every week.
Take the next logical step and enter your information to get my Free paint-by-
number system.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
48. How To Turn Yourself Into A Cash-Producing Machine
It shouldn't be so easy to start making money by following our Free paint-by-
number system.
Starting 24 hours from reading this "reveal all" Free Information, you can be
on your way to earning money online --- FINALLY!
People that have failed at everything else are making good money with this.
See for yourself -- Get Your FREE INformation Now:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
49. Would You Like To Earn up to $500 -- $1000/wk (or MORE!)?
Would you like to learn what all the Internet Gurus do to make money online?
If your answer is YES, I have the right program for you.
Take Action Now!
Don't let this opportunity slip by. Don't move on and forget about it.
Take a few minutes right now and put in your name and email address so you can
start earning money on a weekly basis, using our unique paint-by-number system.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
50. It's a Little Like Having a Money Tree
Aren't you tired of doing all the work while someone else makes most of the money?
From now on, YOU KEEP 100% OF WHAT YOU EARN!
It's easy to get started.
Free Information -- No Obligation
To find out how you can start earning money, click on the link below:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
51. Low Marketing Budget? No Problem
Stay home and make money with this Unique Online Marketing System. We take you
step by step and teach you what to do and how to do it by our one-of-a-kind
paint-by-number system, which doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
Get information on this by clicking on the link below:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
52.Make Money Online Now
Proven 'How-To' System. Ground Floor Opportunity - Free Information:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
53. The Easiest Way to Generate Fast Cash Online
The Easiest Way to Generate Fast Cash online -- -- in fact it's about as easy
as anything could possibly be!
See for Yourself - Free Step-by-Step Program:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
54. How do average people like you and me make $ online?
Find out about our automated system designed especially for
beginners, lays out what to do step-by-step.
See for yourself - Free Information:
Click Below:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
55. Are you failing to make money online?
Let us teach you how to turn that around, by showing you a
paint-by-number system that even computer newbies can do.
Click the link below to find out how:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
56. This is Urgent! Read Immediately!!
This is important!
Tired of getting online programs which are too complicated to make you
If so, you have come to the right place. We have a simple paint-by-number
system, which even an 82 year old grandmother on our team, uses to makes money
For more info, here is where to go:
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}
57. Now YOU Can Make Money Online!
This program is so effective, Now YOU Can Make Money Online!
There are only a handful of opportunities online that are still producing
consistent results month after month.
Here's a proven winner, with the support you need to succeed. We work with you
and show you step by step what to do -- using our paint-by-number system.
Click below for more informtion.
[Your URL]
{Your Name}
{Your Email Address}