A Capture Page is usually a one-page website which "captures" the attention of
someone looking online for what this page has to offer. It is also called a Squeeze
Page or a Landing Page.
Usually a Capture Page appears as a link in a short ad placed in various places online
-- in ezines, in classified ads or safelists, in search engines (e.g. Google), in List Builder
programs such as ViralURL, etc
A good capture page has a compelling headline, good graphics, eye-catching bullet
points, and a form that a person fills out with their name and email.
99% of those reading this are not web designers.
Fortunately, there are companies who provide templates for Capture Pages. One
of the best I have found is a company in Canada called EZLeadCapture.
- EZLeadCapture has a variety of templates, from which you can select a design, to
create your capture page. They provide the amateur with the most difficult part to
design -- the graphics, and the layout. Many of the templates include a headline,
bullet points, a form to be filled out, and other verbage, which can easily
be changed.
- There are excellent video tutorials within EZLeadCapture, which walk you
through how to change any template so that it reflects what each of you want
to say on you capture page.
- The guy that runs it is available for help via phone.
- One fee includes the ability to create infinite numbers of capture pages.
This is an advantage when doing online marketing, so you test various capture pages to see which
gets the most traffic.
- The cost is reasonable: $18/month, $47/3 months, $79/6 months, or
- Go to: http://www.ezleadcapture.com Click on "Member Options"
(On Left Side)
- Select the option best for you, and Click "Subscribe" for that option. You
will be taken to a form. You will be asked to click the appropriate circle --
either that you have a PayPal account or you don't. If you don't, you will need
to create a PayPal account It is FREE to sign up for PayPal.
If you have a PayPal account, or once you get a PayPal Account, you will be asked to login to your
PayPal account. Fill out the information asked for and pay for the option you have
chosen. Within a very short time, you will receive an email from EZLeadCapture
giving you your password. Your user ID is the email address you entered when
you filled out the requested form.
- After you pay via paypal, for your EZLeads capture subsciption,
click Continue. This should take you to a page
With a rectangular box which says: "Register For EZLeadCapture". Click these
Words. Fill out the form that appears. Beside "Custom Template ID#", put in
these 4 numbers: 1316. Beside "Where Did You Hear About Us?", put in Dr Kay
Davies. Then go to the bottom and click: "Register For EZLeadCapture".
The owner was told a bunch of our team would be signing up for his
program, and if he sees that happening, everyone on the team will get excellent
help from him when needed. He answers his own phone number, which you
will find on the EZLeadCapture website.
- Now go to: http://www.ezleadcapture.com. Click on
"Members Login". Scroll to the bottom of the page that appears and put in the
email address you used to sign up, and the password sent to you via email.
- Click on "Edit Profile" and change your password; just type in the password
you want to use and confirm it. Also, fill in your
mailing address to confirm to Can-Spam. Don't bother to do anything else on this
page. Scroll to the bottom and click: "Edit Profile".
- To get started, Click on "Create New Lead Page". Scroll down. You will see
a section labeled: "Select Template from following Categories". You will also see
on the right side the words: "#1316 Dr Kay". Suggest you click on either this custom
template or : "New Designs". There are some excellent templates under the "New
Designs" section. Pick a title that sounds interesting. Click on the circle beside that
title, scroll to the bottom and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. That template, will appear. If you decide
you like this template, in the box to the right of: http://www.ezleadcapture.com/member/
enter a name just before .htm. Scroll down and click "Save". Now click on "Edit
Lead Page", and then the name you selected which appears in the table below "Edit
Lead Page".
If you pick the "Custom Template (#1316 Dr Kay)" you can see the one put together
for our program. You can either use it as a template, or use it as a guide. Tip: Don't
use the "Custom Template" exactly as it is, or we will have too many identical Capture
Pages, each person needs to create their own unique capture page for maximum results.
- Now you are ready to personalize your Capture Page. I suggest you first scroll
to the bottom of this page and watch some of the Video Tutorials.
Suggested Videos to watch prior to editing your Capture Page:
- Quick Editor Overview
- Editor Toolbar Overview
- Edit Your Lead Page Text
With the information in these three Videos you should be able to personalize your
Capture Page.
NOTE #1: You are going to need to get a domain name that is catchy, but short so you
can forward and Mask your URL to the long name you see listed when you click on:
"Edit Lead Page" -- beside "Page URL".
This is the domain name (or URL) from which you will forward and mask.
You can get your domain from EZLeadCapture, GoDaddy, or NameCheap. EZLeadCapture
uses a variation of GoDaddy. NameCheap is separate, but very good from the point of view
of not being sensitive to spam complaints, as occurs with GoDaddy or EZLeadCapture. My
recommendation is to get your Domain from namecheap.com
NOTE #2: There is a video on this page to walk you through step by step the setting up of your
Capture Page. There are two other videos which show you 1) How to Forward and Mask your Domain Name
using the GoDaddy site, 2) How to Forward and Mask your Domain Name using NameCheap.
Prices are similar for all three Domain sites (GoDaddy, EZLeadCapture, and NameCheap).
NOTE #3: This capture page website was created using Microsoft Programming -- Front Page.
Therefore, you will find the editing process works better using IE, rather than
Firefox. Fortunately, once your Capture Page is set up, it can be accessed equally
well on both IE and Firefox.
Follow these directions very carefully, as doing this process properly can be a bit tricky.
- Setting up the Web Form Program in AWeber.
- Click on "Web Forms" at the top of the page in your AWeber Account.
- Select the name of the list you have created for this program -- name is beside "Current List" at the top of the webpage.
- Click on "Create Web Form" (on same page)
- Steps to creating your Web Form:
- Step 1 (DESIGN)
This page gives you a list of Forms from which to chose. These forms will be placed on your Capture Page for your prospect to put in their name and email address. What you are doing is syncing your Capture Page with the email series your prospect will start to get when he/she fills out the form and clicks on the submit (or other designation) at the bottom of the form. If you click: "Show More" you will be given a lot of examples from which to make a choice. Suggest you click on Small Forms. This is the type of form you will want on your Capture Page.
When you find a form you want to look at in more detail, click on the form itself, and a larger version of the form will appear. When you find the one you want, needs to be one that says
free information on it, click on "Load Template". Next click: "Save Web Form". The form will be
saved and the page will reappear. Now click on "Go to Step 2".
- Step 2 (Settings).
On this page, name your web form in the box beside: "Form Name". Suggest you name it the same name as your website, or use your name = something simple and easy to remember.
Below "Form Name" you see "Thank You Page". In the box beside "Thank You Page", click the drop down
button, click on "Custom Page". You see "Custom Page" in the box, and below it another box appears
which says: "Enter Your URL". Click in the box itself, and you will see: http:// appear. This is where
you want to enter your forwarded and masked gombanow landing page:
It doesn't matter whether you check or leave unchecked the box: "Open this in a new window".
Below "Thank You Page" you see: "Already Subscribed Page" and another drop down button. click the drop down button, click on "Custom Page", as above. You see "Custom Page" in the box, and below it another box appears which says: "Enter Your URL". Click in the box itself, and you will see: http:// appear. Again, enter your forwarded and masked gombanow landing page:
Last, click "Save Web Form". The form will be saved and the page will reappear. Now click on "Go to Step 3".
- Step 3 (Publish)
In the page which appears, click on "I Will Install My Form". You will see some new information appear.
Now you want to copy somewhere = notepad is the best place into which to paste this information. Suggest you minimize AWeber and open notepad. Paste this information into notepad and save it where you can find it.
The information to which I am referring is in the long box below these words: "You can paste the snippet below anywhere between the body tags of your website:"
Here is a simple way to copy and paste: Run your cursor over the words and symbols in the long box to "highlight" them. The press and hold down your Control Key (ctrl), hit and release the "C" key, lift the ctrl key, then click in the body of a notepad document, once again hold the ctrl key down, hit and release the "V" key. You will see what was in the long box in your AWeber site, appear in notepad.
What you have just copied into notepad, is in the form of html code. Next, you are going to copy this html coding into the "Source Code" of your personal Capture Page on your EZLeadCapture page. Before you do the next step, be sure to save the notepad document with the html code somewhere you can find it. You can copy it onto your desktop if you wish. Once you have copied and pasted this html coding into a notepad document and saved it on your desktop (you need to name it to save it), you can close your AWeber program. Then find your notepad document on your desktop, click on it to open it, and minimize it, since you are going to need it soon.
- Go to: http://www.ezleadcapture.com. Log in.
- Click on "Edit Lead Capture Page" at the top of this website.
- Click on the name you chose for this website under the heading "Edit Lead Page" in the
table that appears.
- The editing features of each Capture Page and the Page you created should now be see on the next page. You will need to scroll down with various scroll bars in order to see all aspects of this page.
Now you are ready to put your AWeber Web Form into your EZLeadCapture Page.
- Scroll down within your Capture Page (on the right side) and find where you see the word = {form}. You are going
- Highlight the word = {Form}. In place of {form}, type in a bunch of "h" -- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (at least 15-20). You will see why you want to do this in a minute. This removes the form on your Capture Page.
- Now, go up above your Capture Page picture and wording, and click on the word "Source". This is the "Source Code" for your page -- in other words all the gibberish you see is called html, and it is the program that tells the website how you want to change it. In the EZLeadCapture Program, when you change anything on your Capture Page, the relevant parts of the source code change in the background without you seeing it.
- What you want to do in this "Source Code" page is to scroll down till you find where that
long string of hhhhhhhhhhhhhh appears. You put that in, in place of the word "{Form}" so you can find the right place amongst all the gibberish you see.
- Find your string of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, minimize it. Now bring up your saved notepad
document. Highlight the html code in your saved notepad document. Do the Ctrl C (as you did above), minimize your notepad document. Bring up the Source Code in your EZLeadCapture page, highlight the string of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Do the Ctrl V (as you did above), and you will have saved the AWeber html code on your Capture Page. Be sure to click on "Save" part way down your Capture Page. You will now be able to see the AWeber Form on your Capture Page. This means that when someone puts their name and email in the AWeber form on your Capture Page, they will be directed to your GoMBANow page, and simultaneously begin to get the emails from AWeber.
You can listen to the video Dr Kay did to walk you step by step through this whole process, and there is a video Carl Sorensen, from EZLeadCapture, did about putting in a signup form from another AutoResponder, like AWeber. He covers one additional part to this process. He shows you how to put your in your form in table format on his Video.
Forwarding means: When someone clicks on a Domain name you have purchased, the website that someone sees will be the one you set up to have it sent to.
Masking means: When someone clicks on a Domain name you have purchased, and the forwarded website is seen, the address bar does not have the name of the website forwarded to. Instead it has the Domain name of the website you purchased.
- Why do I need to get a Domain name and then Forward and Mask it?
Doing this protects the original Domain name. In this case, we want to protect the GoMBANow Domain name from spam complaints. Too many spam complaints about this GoMBANow will mean that many of the ISPs (Yahoo/AOL/Hotmail/Gmail/Comcast/ATT/etc) will block their subscribers from getting the GoMBANow emails. Your Tour Takers will not get the emails they need to see in order to understand our system and upgrade to member.
- Where do I get a Domain name to do this Forwarding and Masking?
There are many companies that will sell you a Domain name, but we have suggested you use one of two companies which will charge you only around $10 a year: http://www.godaddy.com or http://www.namecheap.com
- Step 1 is to log into" www.godaddy.com and purchase a domain name and set up a GoDaddy account.
- Once you have your domain name, be sure you are on the main page of your GoDaddy account.
- Once there, you can begin the forward and masking process by looking on the left hand side for "Domain Manger", click it.
- Find the Domain you want to forward to your gombanow.com/username site and put a check in the box to the left of that Domain name.
- Above your list of Domain Names (one is a list), click on "Forward", then click on "Forward Domain"
- When the large box appears, click "Advanced Options"
- Click in the circle beside: "Forward with Masking"
- Put your cursor In the long box at the top = below "Forward..................." And beside the box that has http:// in it
- Type in your gombanow landing page: www.gombanow.com/username. Put in your username in place of username in the website here. For example my gomanow landing page is:
www.gombanow.com/drkay. The domain I forward and mask to that website is: www.drkaymakesmoneyinmlm.biz
- After you type into the long box your gombanow.com/username then click submit at the bottom.
- You are done. Wait about 1/2 hour and type in the domain name you purchased from GoDaddy in your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox). You should see your gombanow.com/username appear,
with your purchased Domain name in the browser address bar at the top.
- Step 1 is to log into" www.namecheap.com and purchase a domain name and set up a GoDaddy account.
- Once you have your domain name, be sure you are on the main page of your NameCheap account.
- Under "Account Information", Click on "View"
- To the left of the Domain name you purchased, click the box
- Click "Edit Selected" at the bottom of the page.
- On the left hand side, under "Host Management", Click "URL Forwarding"
- Under "Modify Domain", and then under "IP ADDRESS/ URL", In the first box, type in:
http://gombanow.com/username (without the www), in the box below that, type in:
- Under "Record Type", click the drop down button (arrowhead), click on "URL Frame" for both the
boxes. With NameCheap putting in URL Frame does both the forwarding and masking.
- Click "Save Changes".
- Wait a short while then type in the domain name you purchased from NameCheap in your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox). You should see your gombanow.com/username appear, with your purchased Domain name in the browser address bar at the top.