How to sign up for an AWeber Autoresponder Account
Why do you need an AWeber Autoresponder?
When your prospect enters their name and email on your Capture Page, you need to start sending them information. This is where AWeber comes in. You will copy a series of emails into a campaign you set up in AWeber, and AWeber will send all your prospects a series of
emails to ultimately guide them to become members in your Vemma downline.
Of all the Autoresponders out there, AWeber has a great reputation. They will not permit anyone
to send emails to people who have not opted in at least once and asked to have emails sent
to them. All the ISP's know this, and so emails from AWeber get delivered into your prospects
in boxes.
Now that you know why you need an AWeber account, lets get you signed up. The cost is $19 a month, or you can get monthly discounts if you sign up for a 3 month, or year subscription.
To purchase and set up your AWeber Autoresponder, click on the AWeber Affiliate Link of your Vemma
Enroller. Dr Kay's is: http://drkay.aweber.com. If you have an AWeber account and don't remember
your Affiliate Link, go to http://www.aweber.com, go to your Affiliate Log in, and enter your ID# and
password. Click to get the info if you can't remember it. When you log into your Affiliate Pages, you
will see your Affiliate Domain near the top of the first page that appears.
For those who do not have an AWeber Account, type in the Affiliate Code for your first Vemma Upline
who has an active AWeber Account. Send an email to dr.kay@sbcglobal.net to get that information.
On the page that appears, click the link on the far right at the top that says: "Order". A page comes up that says: "Create Your $1 Trial Account". Fill in all your personal info. Decide whether you want to sign up and pay once a year, once every three months, or monthly - click in the circle of your appropriate pay interval, put in your CC info, and click on "I agree, complete my order" at the bottom of the page.
Now, go to your AWeber website = www.aweber.com. Log in with your customer login name (the Account Login Name you created when you signed up) and your password - you have separate login info for your AWeber Affiliate Account, in which you put in the ID # AWeber sends you.
Now you are ready to get started setting up your AWeber Autoresponder Account. The section below called "Setting up your AWeber Autoresponder Account", tells you how how to get your account set up properly.
How to set up your AWeber Autoresponder
First go to: http://www.aweber.com. Click on "Sign In" in the upper right hand corner. Put in your Login Name and Password in the box which says: Customer Login.
Create a List. Click on: "Create and Manage Lists" at the top, left of the page. Then a page comes up where you click: "Create a New List" on the right side of this page. On the next page, you name your list - put in the name beside List Name, and then put the same info beside Description.
Next: Click on "My Lists" at the top, then "List Settings", then fill in Essential Information". The page you see will be populated with your list name. Put the same info under "List Description" Then put in your name and email address. In the box below "Contact Address" put in your
physical mailing address (home address or PO Box).
In the next section, put in your Branded name in the Company name box. This should be your name -- you want to brand yourself as an expert online marketing. Put in your capture page website address in the box beside "Website URL". You will get an error message unless you put in the http://. Ignore the box which says Logo URL.
Under Email Signature, put in your contact information.
Put in your name, phone number, email address, and the website to which you want to direct traffic. Put in your Vemma.com address, but put it in a different domain name, forwarded and masked. We suggest you also put in your gombanow.biz website. Again, only put it in with a forwarded and masked domain name. Until prospects go to your website, don't let them prejudge by seeing the VEMMA name. Let prospects see the site and then they can make a decision. Feel free to ad any other sites - e.g. your facebook, twitter, etc accounts can be added here. What you put here will appear at the bottom of each of the emails sent out.
You may want to put something in prior to your name - e.g. "To Your Massive Success". You
may also want to put something like this below your name: "Online Business & Marketing Coach" - helps to establish you as the expert.
Click on "Save List Settings", then click "Go to Step 2". On the page that comes up, below "Confirmed Opt-in Status", click the OFF button. This turns off the Double Opt-In for each prospect. If you don't turn it off, the people that put their name and email address on your capture page will have to click a message in their email to confirm that they want to get the messages - this cuts down the number of people to whom you send emails. AWeber doesn't want you to turn this off, but they allow it. A message comes up asking if you really want to do this, and strongly recommending you don't do this - ignore that, and click Yes. Now scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save List Settings.
Next, click on Messages (at top), then click on Follow-Up. On this page you are going to import the our email series. Under Campaign Sharing, what you see first says: "Enable campaign sharing for authorized users" - leave the box blank. Below that you see: "Use a pre-defined campaign by entering the campaign code". In the box to the right, put in this code: drkays-team-b8416-$F$B, and then click on "Load Campaign" in red. You should almost immediately see all the messages in our email series populating this page. They are entered in the correct order for sending out.
Please print out Message #2. Starting with the paragraph which says: "My name ..." and finishing just before the paragraph which starts with: "This business is uniquely structured...", write your own short story - basically, your name, your background, why you are building the business and what you see in it for you. If you are comfortable making the changes directly into your autoresponder, go ahead and do so, but don't forget to click "Save Message" at the bottom of the page. Otherwise send an email with what you want to say to: dr.kay@sbcglobal.net, and
I will make the changes for you.
Then, click on "Test", put in your email address, and click the drop down button beside "Send"
Suggest you click on "Send All Messages", so you can look at all of them. If you want to make any changes, feel free to do so = this is your online marketing program. But, after you make
any changes, send yourself the changed message and follow the internal line as to how far
across the page to go for each line. This Is a good guide to stick to in order to send out the
best possible looking messages. If you want to use the html space, feel free to do so, but
make sure you know something about programming, or how to use Microsoft Front Page,
or just leave the messages in plain text - they work fine that way, and do get delivered into
people's in boxes.
Be sure to go through each message and look for affiliate links. Any programs you have
the affiliate link for, please put in your affiliate links instead of mine, and be sure to test the
message and your affiliate link to make sure the link takes you to your affiliate sign up page.
Your AWeber site is now set up. Remember everyone who uses AWeber has an affiliate
link. Be sure to add yours to the email about autoresponders in place of my affiliate link
Several of the emails refer to various Affiliate Programs.
Over the past few months some of you have used these programs
for marketing, with a two-fold purpose:
- Make some immediate money while building your Vemma Business.
- Find some good prospects for Vemma amongst those who respond
to your Affiliate Program.
Most of these programs only require a one-time fee, so several
of you still have the Affiliate Websites for these programs.
Those of you who have already have any of these programs, can
use them in the emails you send out. To accomplish this, your
Affiliate Link will need to replace the Affiliate Link in any
of the emails for which you have the same program.
An html version has been added to the text version in the AWeber
Email email series.
Therefore, if you are unsure how to correctly add your Affiliate
Links to the appropriate email, both in the text and html versions,
then please send your Affiliate Links to: dr.kay@sbcglobal.net so
we can add them for you.
Here is a list of the Emails, which have an Affiliate Link,
including Dr Kay's Links to help you in finding your Links: