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Member Information




    As a member of GoMBANow, you have 3 websites:

      This is your landing page. Your username comes after the website. This is the page where a prospect can take a FREE Tour of this Online Marketing Program.

      This is the website where you log into your back office. Once this webpage appears, scroll to the bottom and look for : "Current Member Login ". Enter your username and password to access your back office. Tour Takers put their email address into the box below: "Returning Visitors", and they will then be able to look at the Tour Pages.

      This is the website where you, as a Member, can look at the Tour Pages seen by all Preenrollees. As a member you will not be able to see the last page called "Join Now", as this is the page a Preenrollee (Tour Taker) fills out to join GoMBANow and Vemma.


    When you log into your GoMBANow Back Office, on the left side is a list of topics:

    Member Home: This is the page you are currently on, and can return to from any part of your website by clicking on it.

    View Your Tour Takers: If you click on this link, you will see a list of your Tour Takers (Pre-enrollees).

    View Your Members: If you click on this link, you will see a list of the members you have personally enrolled in GoMBANow and Vemma.

    Task Calendar: If you click on this link, you will see a system which you can use to keep yourself organized with your Tour Takers and Members.

    Edit Profile: This link is where you can go to make any changes to email, phone number, etc, including changing your password.

    Set Allocation: This link takes you to where you can set your Allocation so that your Preenrollees go down your right or left side.

    Support Services: This link takes you to the place where you can ask questions from the GoMBANow Support Team. You can also just send an email to: to get answers to any questions you have.


    1. Return Visitors from Guaranteed Pre-enrollees: Guaranteed Pre-enrollees (Tour Takers) are people who have visited an online website which identifies those who are interested in making money online. Your Guaranteed Pre-enrollees (Tour Takers) will have "NB1" beside their names in the "Tracking" Column. If you click on the letter "v" to the left of "First Name", you will see "Tour Takers" who have returned to look at the GoMBANow website. The number to the left of their name tells how many return visits. To get more details about each Tour Taker, click their first name - e.g. Keith/Joe/Sarah/etc.
    2. Tour Takers who have a blank space in the "Tracking" column, in place of "NB1". Click the drop down button (Arrowhead) beside the words, "No Search". Click on the word "Tracking". You will see a blank space in the "Tracking Column" beside those who visited your GoMBANow 'Splash Page" (also called capture page or landing page), and filled out the form. Immediately after they filled out the form, your Tour Pages appeared, and thus these people have automatically seen the Tour Pages at least one time. These people are Tour Takers you will want to contact.

      Tour Takers in this category (Filled out the Form and have looked at the Tour Pages), come from one of several possible places:

      1. You gave someone your GoMBANow landing page information, and they filled out the form to become a Tour Taker.
      2. They got an email from you and clicked on the link in the email directing them to your GoMBANow landing page, and they filled out the form.
      3. They clicked on a link from an advertisement you did online - e.g. in ViralURL, in an Ezine, in Google, in an Article you published online, on a social media site such as facebook, etc.

        The link took them to your Capture Page in your advertisement, they put in the information asked for, were taken to the email series you have set up in your AWeber account, clicked on your GoMBANow link in one of the emails in AWeber, filled out the information asked for on your "Splash" page (Capture/Landing page), and became a Tour Taker.

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