- How to determine which Tour Takers are the most interested:
- Guaranteed Pre-enrollees or Tour Takers: Those who have logged in to look at
the GoMBANow Tour Pages one or more times are the most interested. To see
who these individuals are, log into the back office of your GoMBANow Account.
Click on "View Your Tour Takers" (on the left). A list of all your Tour Takers
will appear. Click on the letter "v" to the left of "First Name". Any of your
Tour Takers who have gone back to look at the GoMBANow website, will have
a number to the left of their name. To get more details about each Tour Taker,
click their first name - e.g. Keith/Joe/Sarah/etc. All Guaranteed Pre-enrollees
have the Code "NB1" in the Tracking Column
- In addition to the Guaranteed Tour Takers, many of you also have Tour Takers
who have become a Tour Taker by other means besides our Guaranteed Pre-
enrollee Program. Examples as to how this can occur are:
- You gave someone your GoMBANow landing page information, and they filled
out the form to become a Tour Taker.
- They got an email from you and clicked on the link in the email directing them
to your GoMBANow landing page, and they filled out the form.
- You are advertising online. You find people this way who click on your Capture
Page Link in the advertisement they see. These people put in their name and
email address on your Capture Page, which is set up to send these people emails
from an Autoresponder (e.g. AWeber). The emails have links in them which,
when clicked, take your Prospect to your GoMBANow Landing Page. Your
Prospect fills out the form and becomes a Tour Taker (Pre-enrollee).
In all these cases, there is no Code in the Tracking Column. If you select the Drop
Down Button (Arrowhead) beside the box with "No Search" in it, and select
"Tracking", leave the column beside this blank, and click "Go!", all the Tour Takers
from any one of these above 3 categories will appear. Since these Tour Takers
filled out the form themselves, their Tour Pages will immediately come up. Most
of these people have effectively looked at the Tour Pages at least once.
- The Tour Takers to call first are all both the Return Visitors - mentioned
in (a) above and those who filled out the form on your landing page --
mentioned in (b) above.
NOTE: None of the "What to Say" ideas below are meant necessarily
be followed word for word. Use them as a guide, but be yourself.
You have to say things that you would naturally say, not what
someone else would say.
- Return visitors and those who fill out the Landing Page Form:
Ask for the person by name.
Identify yourself
Tell them why you are calling them: "I am calling because I noticed you have logged onto GoMBANow ___ times to look at the pages in your Tour. I wanted to call and answer any questions you might have about this program.
From there you want to dialogue with them. Answer questions and in the process tell them about GoMBANow and Vemma. Be sure they understand what GoMBANow does and how it relates to Vemma.
One thing you can do is to send them an email with the two links below or guide them to listen to these videos on the appropriate tour pages ( Company Info and Getting Paid )pages.
- BK's "Reinvent Your Life" Video:
- Tom Alkazin's "Getting Paid" Video: http://www.a-multimillionaire-speaks.com
Before you finish the conversation, ask them:
Do you like FREE Stuff. (Answer is almost always YES).
Say to them (in your own words):
"Vemma is coming out with a new variety in November. It is a 2 oz bottle containing
some of the Vemma formulation, but mostly it contains some plants which grow in
other countries which together let you sleep like you did when you were a kid, and
wake up refreshed, with no drowsy after affects you get with lots of sleep aids. Since
this product is made up of plants, it is totally natural, liquid, and even tastes good.
Most people notice they get the best sleep they have had for years the first night they
drink it a bit before going to bed.
I can send you a FREE sample of this in November, when it is released. All I need
is your mailing address.
NOTE: This product is not for everyone - only those who want to get the best night's
sleep they have had in years.
(If they say yes, get their mailing address - keep all the mailing addresses you get
somewhere together = put in a file on your computer, or in a notebook).
- Guaranteed Pre-enrollees who do not come back to look at the Tour Pages.
Ask for the person by name.
Identify yourself
Tell them why you are calling them: "I am calling because you recently went online and filled out a form saying you were interested in finding out how to make money from home. Our company is giving you a FREE Tour for 60 days so you can see if you like the GoMBANow program. You are getting emails about GoMBANow and the company, Vemma, so you will have enough info to make a good decision as to whether this is the right business for you or not. You also have a website with some pages for you to look at to get more info. I wanted to call and answer any questions you might have about this program."
From there you want to dialogue with them. Answer questions and in the process tell them about GoMBANow and Vemma. Be sure they understand what GoMBANow does and how it relates to Vemma.
NOTE: You might want to go to: http://www.vma-onlinemarketing.com, click on "UsingGoMBANow, then click on "FAQ for Pre-enrollees". This web page contains
a list of questions and answers that Pre-enrollees (Tour Takers) often ask. Suggest
you print this out and use it to answer questions from your Pre-enrollees. You can
also cut and paste any of the answers that apply to a question by email from a
pre-enrollees. You can modify this in any way you want to fit what is being asked.
Using these answers will save you time in typing email replies to your Pre-enrollees.
- Suggestions about calling Pre-enrollees:
- Call any one Pre-enrollee a maximum of 3 times.
We suggest you call each Pre-enrollee once during their day, once during their evening, once
on a weekend. Their Sunday evening (not morning or afternoon) is the easiest time to
reach most people. Most people are home Sunday evening, getting ready to go to work
on Monday morning, and not looking forward to it - a great time to call them from the
psychological point of view.
- If you don't reach them any of these times, send an email:
"Hi __________,
I am sending you this email because I have called you and not been able to reach you.
You are now taking a FREE Tour to look at our GoMBANow Program, so you can
make money from home.
I would like to talk with you and answer your questions about our program. Email
me or call me - my info is below.
I also wanted to ask you if you wanted something for FREE. Our Company, VEMMA,
is releasing a new version of its unique formulation called VEMMA PM in November.
You take this product at night and almost everyone who has tried it says they sleep
like they did as a kid, and wake up energized and refreshed, with no feeling drowsy
as occurs with many other sleep aids, because this formulation is totally from natural
If you would like a FREE, 2 oz bottle, just reply and give me your mailing address.
I will be sure to get this to you in November, after it is released by VEMMA.
NOTE: This product is not for everyone - only those who want to get the best night's
sleep they have had for years.
Let me get your mailing info so you can get a great night's sleep, okay. I need your
complete name and mailing address - just email it back to me.
Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
- Below you will links to three lists of area codes for:
US/Canada/Caribbean and Pacific Islands.
NOTE: Time Zones are included for US and Canada Area Codes.
US Area Code List
Canada Area Code List
Caribbean and Pacific Islands Area Code List