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Frequently Asked Questions -- Pre-enrolleesHere is the list of 23 FAQ, which Pre-enrollees and new members often ask via phone or via email. You can do a copy and paste of the appropriate answer in replying to Pre-enrollee emails.
- How does this program work - can you give me more info about VEMMA and GoMBANow?VEMMA is a subsidiary company of New Vision, Intl - a 14 year old, 1 Billion $, debt-free health and nutritional company located in Scottsdale, AZ. If you’re going to build a business, you want a solid company with years of experience and good products - with New Vision you have that. VEMMA launched Nov 1st, 2004. With VEMMA you have the best of both worlds - a ground floor business backed by a stable, experienced, successful company. Here’s how the program works: You responded online to an ad about making money at home -- you visited a website. Once you visited the website you were put into my Success Line. Everyone who visits the website after you also goes into the same Success line, but they are below you - you get an email every time someone joins the success line below you -- each email means that person could become a member of your downline. The Success Line is a list of people (called Pre-Enrollees) who visit the website. Everyone who is below you that upgrades to member will be in your downline, if you upgrade to member prior to the end of the cycle. The system is set up in weeks, each week starts on Friday at 12:01 AM and ends the next Thursday at 12 Midnight (Pacific Time). If you upgrade between Friday and Thursday at midnight, the people who became members sometime during that week will be in your downline. If you upgrade after that, you will be in their downline. There are a lot of Pre-Enrollees above you in the Success Line. When you upgrade to member before the cycle finishes (Thursday Midnight PST), you leap frog to the top of the line - you go above all the Pre-Enrollees who are now above you. You will get a check based on the number of times you cycle and the number of people you enroll in this program. VEMMA is a dual-line system, and that means you always have people placing Pre-Enrollees and members below you. Here's what upgrading means - it means you purchase one of the following:
You also set up a subscription to GoMBANow for $19.95 to use their Marketing System to build your Vemma Business. You get two websites for this Monthly Subscription, an Advertising Website and a Management Website. As part of your subscription, you will also receive 5 Guaranteed Pre-enrollees each day for your first 60 Days - these can be seen on your Contact Manager page in your GoMBANow back office. We have systems in place that will help you get your business started by finding both customers and business builders online. We will help you set up a program that will work for you. Click on the links on this website to get more info about the products, company, how you make money, etc. Also, call the person whose info you have been given on your GoMBANow website. To upgrade to member, Go to: http://www.GoMBANow.com, click on the link for Pre-Enrollees and members and put in your temporary ID# and password. Click on Back Office and the Genealogy to see all the people in your Success Line. To upgrade click, on Get Started (which is in purple or blue) and fill out the form - it's that easy. - What products does this company market?
VEMMA is a one product company. VEMMA markets a complete liquid
nutritional program, with 6 delivery methods. Vemma is an anacronym
of what is in Vemma: V = Vitamins, E = Essential M = Minerals,
M = Mangosteen, A = Aloe.
- How do I upgrade to member?To upgrade to member, Go to: http://www.GoMBANow.com, click on the link for Pre-Enrollees and members and put in your temporary ID# and password. Click on Back Office and the Genealogy to see all the people in your Success Line. To upgrade click, on Get Started (which is in purple) and fill out the form - it's that easy. - How much does it cost to upgrade to member?You purchase a VEMMA Pack for $60. This pack consists of two, 32 ounce bottles of Liquid Vitamins, Minerals, Mangosteen Aloe and Green Tea. Or you purchase a pack of 24, 8 oz cans of Verve. Or you chose one of the other options given on the GoMBANow Signup Page. You also pay a one time $4.00 to get the “YOUR BUSINESS AT HOME” magazine issue which is entirely devoted to VEMMA. You also pay a fee $19.95 for the GoMBANow website. You will need to purchase this $ 60 of nutritional products on a monthly basis to qualify to get paid weekly checks. You will need to pay $19.95/month for the website to manage your business. This is a business, not a job and so does require initial and ongoing investments. If you have a family member you would like to also get health benefits from the products, you can purchase a two pack of Vemma = $120 + the one time $4.00 for the magazine, and the $19.95 for the GoMBANow website. - How much money do I make and when do I get paid?You will get a check every week in your VEMMA Business - providing you qualify. You will make $10 or $20 (called Fast Start Bonus) on each person you personally enroll. As long as you are on Autoship for a 2-Pack of VEMMA, you will receive a cycle bonus every time you complete a cycle - 3 orders in one line and 6 orders in the other line. You can also receive other bonuses: consistency bonuses, matching bonuses, global bonus pool, rank advancement bonuses. There is no set amount you will make. You could make $4, $20 or a few hundred the first month. The exact amount depends on what you do to get your business going. - I don’t have a credit card. How can I upgrade to member?If you have an ATM Visa or MasterCard debit card from your bank, you can use this in place of a credit card.. Debit cards work the same as Credit Cards online. Many banks automatically give their customers Visa or MasterCard Bank Debit Cards to use as both Debit Cards and ATM Cards. If your ATM card is not a Visa or MasterCard Debit Card ask your bank to change your ATM card to a Visa or MasterCard Debit card - most banks will do this for their customers. A Debit Card works exactly the same as a Credit Card for purchases. If you are not sure whether your ATM Card is a Debit Card, here is how to check. All Debit Cards start with a 4 or 5 number and there are 4 sets of numbers (16 total numbers in sets of 4), and there is an expiration date. If you don't have either a Debit Card or a Credit Card, you can purchase a Prepaid Credit Card. These are available in many supermarkets, at Rite-Aid Pharmacy, Radio Shack, and many other stores that carry Gift Cards. Look for these Prepaid Credit Cards in the Gift Card section. You can also set up Direct Debit from your Bank Account. - I don’t have the money to get started. What do I do?It costs less than a hundred dollars to get started. Now, if you have no prior experience with this type of business, you can expect it to take you a few weeks to get up to speed on building your business. Each month you will be purchasing enough VEMMA for your own use. If you cannot afford that, then your best option is to find a venture capitalist (someone who wants to invest in your business for a share of the return). If you are unable to do that but are still really, really committed to having your own business, then save your money until you are able to get started - this business is going to be here for a long time. With VEMMA you are starting your own home-based business. This is a business -- similar to opening a dry cleaners or pizza shop, except it is at home. You wouldn't be able to open a dry cleaners or pizza shop without investing some money up front to start it. Since this is at home and so the overhead is low, it costs a lot less. Not everyone has the money to open a dry cleaners or pizza shop, and not everyone has the money to start this type of business. - I thought this was a free program?If you have clicked to take the tour, you have participated in the free program. By doing this you lock in your position in the Success Line, and have time to look at this program. You see your business being started for you before you invest in it - we place members below you whose purchases you, as a member, will be paid on. We get your business started for you for free and then you can decide if this is for you or not. After looking at this program, you have the option to proceed from the free program to joining the business. - How does this job work -- why do I have to pay money to work for you?VEMMA is a business, not a job. You are working for yourself, not me or anyone else - you are your own BOSS!! You are starting your own business, and opening any business does require an investment. VEMMA is similar to opening a dry cleaners or pizza shop, except it is at home. You wouldn'tAC be able to open a dry cleaners or pizza shop without investing some money up front to start it. Since this is at home, the overhead is low -- it costs a lot less to get started and maintain it than with a business such as a pizza shop or dry cleaners. - Can't you just take the money out of my check and upgrade me to member?What you suggest won't work. You are the BOSS and this is your own business. All businesses require an initial and ongoing investment --just like if you opened a pizza place or a dry cleaners, only the investment is much less and it is at home on the computer and phone. The check will not be as much as the amount you will need to invest each month -- just like any other business. All businesses run in the red for awhile till they get going -- takes time to develop a business. This means not everyone can join, however the cost is low enough that many can get started in their own business with this program. - How do I get to the website and see the people below me?Go to: http://www.GoMBANow.com -- click on the link for Pre-Enrollees and Members, then put in the ID# and the password you were given. This will take you to the website, click on back office and then genealogy and you will see your success Line. To join our program, click on Get Started and fill out the form. Or you can just click the link on this page and it will take you back to your GoMBANow site. - How does the pay plan work?VEMMA is a dual line system. You will need to build two lines to maximize the compensation plan. However, at the beginning you start with building the line you enrolled in - this is your Power Line. The second line you will build is your Profit Line. Everyone you enroll will be placed in the next available position in one of those lines. If you use GoMBANow, you determine which line the Pre-Enrollees are placed in. When a Pre-Enrollee becomes a member, that person remains in the line they first joined as a Pre-Enrollee In a nutshell, you make most of your money from:
In less than 5 years, there are over 50 Members who are earning a 6 figure a year income -- some even earning a over a 7 figure a year income!
Here are more details:
NOTE: - I am getting annoyed by all the emails you are sending me, can’t you reduce the number?I know all these emails can be annoying. GoMBANow did cut down the numbers of emails it sent out awhile back. However, they noticed that the number of people who joined the program was dramatically reduced. They found out that it was all the emails they were sending out that got people's attention, helped them realize that this program was working very well, and caused them to join. We know that some people really get upset with all the emails, but the majority seem to like them. - I am getting a lot of emails that say people are joining my successline. How do I contact them and get them to become a member?These emails about people joining your successline are enrolled by people in your upline. Since Vemma is a dual-line system, there are lots of people in your upline, who also get these emails. If everyone in your upline, who gets these emails, and you, all called or emailed these Pre-enrollees, they would be confused and overwhelmed. To prevent this happening, GoMBANow has set things up so that only the enroller gets the email and phone number of the Pre-enrollees they enroll. The enroller will contact these people via email or phone, to help them upgrade to Member. Also, GoMBANow is contacting them continually via email. The good news is that when any of these Pre-enrollees becomes a Member, they are a Member in both the enroller's downline, and your downline. This means your upline is helping you by enrolling members in one of your two lines. So, don't pay attention to these Pre-enrollees, but focus on getting Pre-enrollees yourself, for whom you are the enroller, and then you will be the only one with their contact information. - What is the difference between VEMMA and GoMBANow?VEMMA is the company that manufactures and distributes the product you sell to customers and pays you your commissions and bonuses. If there weren’t a VEMMA, there wouldn’t be a GoMBANow. GoMBANow is the revolutionary, automated system that harnesses the power of the Internet to help you build your business. - I don’t know anybody who would be interested in this.This is what is so great about internet marketing. We are not limited to people we know. We have whole systems for helping you to communicate with masses of people you never met, many of whom are looking to improve their lives financially, and physically with the products, just like you. In fact, that is how we found many of you. Often people who are building a VEMMA business have very few people in their businesses they knew before. When you come on board, you will be taught how to use the same systems to build your business. - The emails said I have money coming, and I haven’t seen a dime.Perhaps you have heard the expression, “The devil is in the details.” Apparently, you skimmed over those e-mails so quickly that the details did not register in your mind. If you received an e-mail saying, "You have money coming," then it means someone below you in your Success Line upgraded to full member. Here's how this works. The business is arranged in cycles. Each of those cycles ends on Thursday, midnight Pacific Time. When someone below you in your success Line upgrades to member, that event creates a sponsorship bonus. Now, that sponsorship bonus did not have a clear recipient until the end of the weekly cycle. If you did not upgrade during before the end of that cycle, the next fully upgraded member above the person who upgraded became the recipient. However, we are in another cycle, and you can upgrade and receive that bonus on anyone who upgrades to member below you in this cycle. So, once you upgrade to member, you will receive some money in the form of an Instant Sponsor Bonus -- this is the money refererred to in the e-mail. This is a small thank you frm VEMMA for joining our business. - I don’t have the time.GoMBANow was designed for busy people like you. The automated system does about 80% of the work for you. Now, the part you do is critical, but it does not require that much of a time commitment. If you can find five to ten hours per week to invest in your business, you have enough time to get started. We can show you exactly what to spend your time on to make the most of it. If you can't find five to ten hours per week, then having your own business is not enough of a priority for you to succeed. - If I upgrade to member, what do I need to do to build my business?You will need to advertise. There are various types of advertising you can do. 1) Personal Contact Marketing. We have excellent CD's, a VEMMA magazine, brochures, newspapers, etc you can use to contact people you know or meet. 2) Email Marketing. We have guaranteed Pre-Enrollees and an Autoresponder set up that sends out emails automatically to lists of people looking online for a home based business. Personal Contact Marketing and Offline Advertising can be started for as little as $10 a week -- going up in $5 increments each week to whatever level you chose. The amount you spend on online marketing depends on how many leads you purchase. - I had people below me upgrade to member, and then disappear a few days later. I think they found out something and quit.No, they did not quit. You just can’t see them when you look at your genealogy because they moved above you when the weekly cycle ended. Before they upgraded and moved up the Success Line, they could not see you in their genealogy. Now they can see you, and you can’t see them. Whether they disappear from your Success Line the next day or several days later depends on how close it is to the weekly deadline. Even if you had upgraded after them, as long as you upgraded before that weekly deadline, they would still have been in your Success Line. You would also have received a sponsorship bonus. However, all is not lost, because more people will upgrade to member during this week's cycle period, and those that upgrade below you will be in your downline, providing you also upgrade to member this week. - I wouldn’t want to try to promote something I haven’t tried myself.There are really two good options for you and one bad one. The two good options are to a) go ahead and upgrade to member and begin using the product at the same time you are becoming familiar with the system and how it works; or b) send me an e-mail letting me know hat you just want to be a customer right now with the option of becoming a member later. The bad option is to just forget it because you have never tried the product. That is something entirely in your own control. By the way, the company has a 30 day empty bottle satisfaction guarantee. That means, you can send the empty bottles back for a full refund. Hardly anyone does that, though. - I wonder if this program is a scam?It is not a scam, but do your own research and check out the company. VEMMA is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. You will need to know that in order to check this out with the Better Business Bureau or Chambers of Commerce. The parent company, New Vision International, is also based in Arizona. New Vision is a 12 year old health and nutritional company. VEMMA (also a health and nutritional company) is a subsidiary of New Vision. VEMMA was launched Nov, 2004. VEMMA markets a complete nutritional liquid supplement, containing Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen, Aloe, and Green Tea. Scams do not market products. - I don’t live in one of the countries listed. How can I upgrade to member?Unfortunately at this time, the online GoMBANow program is only available in certain countries (see below). However, VEMMA is available in many other countries (see below). It is not necessary for you to join VEMMA via GoMBANow. You can join VEMMA directly. Below is a list of all the countries in which VEMMA operates. If you live in one of these countries, but are in a country where GoMBANow does not operate, send me an email and I will help you upgrade to member on the VEMMA corporate site. If you do not see your country amongst the countries in which VEMMA operates, let me know, and I will save your email and let you know when VEMMA opens in your country.
COUNTRIES IN WHICH VEMMA OPERATES: These lists are current as of February 2010, check the Company websites for any updates. |
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